Blood lactate kinetic and maximal oxigen uptake between different positions on footballplayers

  • Carla M. C. Nascimento Docente do Departamento de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão das Faculdades de Dracena - FADRA. Discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Motricidade UNESP - Rio Claro
  • Anderson Rogério Lecca Discentes do Departamento de Educação Fí­sica das Faculdades de Dracena - FADRA
  • Marcos C.Z. Mello Discentes do Departamento de Educação Fí­sica das Faculdades de Dracena - FADRA
Keywords: Soccer, Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), Lactate, Tactical positions


The aim of present study was to analyze the blood lactate kinetic and maximal oxigen uptake (VO2máx) in young footballplayers and compare these variables between each different tactical position. Methods: Were evaluated 18 young males distributed according the tactical position that each one occupied in the footballplay. To the indirect determination of VO2máx, the shuttle-run 20m was realized. The Anaerobic Threshold was determined as been the velocity corresponding to the fixed concentration of 3,5 mmol/L. Blood lactate samples were collected at rest, at minutes 3,8 and 15 until the exhaustion on the test. Results: Goal-keepers presented the worst significant level of cardio respiratory when compared with forwards (p=0,001) and midfields (p=0,015). The fullback also presented values significant lower for this variable than forwards (p=0,03). These elevations on blood lactate concentrations observed between the velocities 9,0 to 10,0 km/h on shuttle run test were stale and allow us identify these stages as been the maximal lactate steady state. Conclusion: The footballfootball coaching does not seem to provide the specificity needed to meet the demand of effort required by each tactical position. The blood lactate kinetics seems to be a more sensitive variable to identify changes in the metabolic profile in relation to indirect estimation of VO2máx for each of the specific tactics on the footballfootball field.


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How to Cite
Nascimento, C. M. C., Lecca, A. R., & Mello, M. C. (2012). Blood lactate kinetic and maximal oxigen uptake between different positions on footballplayers. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 5(29). Retrieved from
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