Influence of 12 week walk on body composition in elderly women
Introduction: Physical inactivity and certain metabolic diseases favor the increased proportion of fat relative to body weight, especially in the elderly due to reduced basal metabolism, which may lead them to obesity. Objective: To analyze the influence of 12 weeks of walking on body composition in older women. Materials and Methods: We included 15 elderly, aged 62 ± 4 years. It was used for body composition analysis Sanny™ tape for measuring body circumferences and skinfold caliper to measure clinical Cescorf™ skin folds. As for the statistical analysis was conducted the Student t test for paired samples with significance level set at 5% (p <0.05). The training consisted of 12 weeks of walking, divided into: 5 minutes of stretching, 50 minute walk with intensity between 11 and 13 by the scale of perceived exertion of Borg and another 5 minutes of stretching at the end, totaling60 minutes twice a week. Results: Significant changes (p ≤ 0.05) in percent body fat (% BF), fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM) and arm muscle area (AMA) and the best result for (FG). Conclusion: Although the sample was reduced, one can conclude that when properly guided walk promotes changes in body composition in older women, even with the weekly frequency reduced (2x/week), however, to obtain better results suggest higher levels of intensity and / or practice on most days of the week.
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