Acute cardiovascular answers promoted by stress it when we use the superior railing of the bus as one of the points of sustentation in the trip in foot
Objective: To evaluate the heart frequency, systolic arterial blood pressure and diastolic arterial blood pressure, as acute cardiovascular response to the physical stress due to the isometric contraction of superior members, like a consequence of the bus trip on up position, using the superior handrail like a one of the support points. Material and Methods: nine men and eleven women, with (22.8 ± 3.0 years; 169.6 ± 6.3 cm as stature; 63.6 ± 8.1 Kg) they executed a course in urban collective bus, where they had measured the heart rate, systolic arterial blood pressure and diastolic arterial blood pressure, on the initial point - in rest (IN THE POINT 1), in the course of the bus (DURING 1, 2, 3) and when going down of the bus – in rest (IN THE POINT 2). Results: Whole the studied variables (Systolic Arterial Blood Pressure, Diastolic Arterial Blood Pressure and Heart Rate, respectively), increased among the stages IN THE POINT 1 and DURING 1(17%, 20% e 19%), they maintained stabile tendency in the superior level on DURING 1, 2 and 3 (<1%, 2% e 2%), and they came back jointly at inferior levels among the stages DURING 3 and IN THE POINT 2 (-10%, -11% e -13%). Conclusion: The performance of the acute cardiovascular response to the observed isometric contraction facilitates several actions in the field of the prevention to the collective health.
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