Identification of the intensity of effort and hypotension in Autistic subjected physical stress in the aquatic environment

  • Antonio Coppi Navarro Núcleo de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (NPT) - PIPG Engenharia Biomédica na Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes
  • Rosemi Maria Chacon Musolino Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (UMC) Mogi das Cruzes. São Paulo. Brasil
  • Jean-Jacques Bonvent Universidade Federal do ABC
Keywords: Autismo, Physical effort, Heart rate, Arterial hypotension


Objective is quantify the peak cardiac frequency identify the exercise intensity and check hypotension in Autistic subjected physical exertion for 50 minutes in the aquatic environment. Materials and Methods: 7 male and 1 female aged at least 5.00 and maximum 38.00 diagnosed with Autism. The physical strainon the environment held in the pool complies with the principle of individuality and specificity, but in Autism does not have physiological paraeters, the intensity of effort, and that in this case, becomes an object of this research. Results and Discussion: Dueto the characterristics of severe impairmentin social interacttion, in communication and behavior, plus the environment around the sample was reduced to 4 Autistic. The peak of CF in bpm for Autistic 120.40 ± 45.65 for the home/start and 129.60 ± 52.36 forth epost-exertion and 96.00 ± 29.64 for 10 minutes post exercise show aninhomogeneity, probably due to the characteristics that have the Autistic and or action of the caregiver that were submitted. When we analyzing individual start / home is a 3 Autism and Autistic normotensive or border hypertnive. In all Autistic there was hypotension. Conclusion: It is valid to identify the intensity of exercise HR peak and thus identify the intensity of effort, and therefore, prescribing physical exertion ataquatic environment for Autism.


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How to Cite
Navarro, A. C., Musolino, R. M. C., & Bonvent, J.-J. (2012). Identification of the intensity of effort and hypotension in Autistic subjected physical stress in the aquatic environment. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 6(31). Retrieved from
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