Horizontal supine exercise: compare the RM executed using Machinery and Free Weight through different intensity individuals experienced not much proficient individuals

  • João Augusto Reis de Moura Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau e Universidade do Vale do Itajai- Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercí­cio LAFEX
  • Jairo Jerônimo Barros Júnior Personal Trainer
  • Mauriti Marcos Cardoso Júnior Personal Trainer
Keywords: Resistance training with weights, Strength, Training methodology


This study had as goal to compare the number of Repetitions Maximum (RM) accomplished through different percentages of lRM between the horizontal supineexercise done with Free , Weight (FW) and those executed using Weight Resistance Training (WRT) Machinery (MAC) when experienced individualsnot much proficient individualsare submitted to the effort. Have participated voluntarily in the study 20 men (10experienced individualsand 10 not much proficient individualsto the WRT). First1y the individualsexecuted tests of lRM and after RM tests with two seconds controlled velocity to the eccentric phase and the same time to the movement's concentric phase, in different days, with intensity of 90%, 75% and 60% of IRM in MAC and FW. The ANOVA three factorial (2x3x2 -measurement instrument, % of lRM and familiarization leyel) for repeated measures in the 1° and 2° factor only showed significant differences between the RM avetages forefront the different weight intensities (% of lRM). It is concluded that the RM number does not differ amid MAC still FW at an identcal % of 1 RM such phenomenon also does not show dependence to the individual's familiarization leveI to WRT nevertheless.


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How to Cite
Moura, J. A. R. de, Barros Júnior, J. J., & Cardoso Júnior, M. M. (2012). Horizontal supine exercise: compare the RM executed using Machinery and Free Weight through different intensity individuals experienced not much proficient individuals. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 5(30). Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/391
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