Prevalence of obesity in women iniciating a exercise program in a fitness center of Florianópolis
Obesity is a problem that comes quite frequently being argued for health care professional. There are several forms to classify obesity. In the present study, Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Percentage of body fat were utilized. Our aim was to verify the prevalence of obesity in a sample of females initiating a fitness center exercise program. The sample was composed of 186 women with age among 18 and 51 years. The results demonstrated that only 16% of women posses BMI greater than 30Kg/m2, however, this changed when the method of classification utilized was the percentage of body fatness. In this case, 65% of the sample was classified as obese. It was verified still, that 59% of the women with IMC below of 30Kg/m2 are classified as obese by the amount of corporal fat. This lack of correlation between the two parameters reflects the limitation of the BMI in discriminate between fat mass and body free fat mass. Spite the excess of fat, many women presented a propel weight for stature. Maybe, this could be explained by their reduced level of muscle mass. Together, our results confirm the inability to describe obesity in a specific population by the use exclusive of BMI.
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