Influence of physical exercise in baroreflex control in hypertension

  • Diogo Cardozo Faculdade Metodista Granbery
  • Denise de Souza Destro Faculdade Metodista Granbery
  • Leandro Correia Cardozo Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
Keywords: Hypertension, Exercise, Baroreflex


In the cardiovascular system is a mechanism denomimado barorrelexo control closely regulates the levels of blood pressure with each heartbeat. Hypertension in the setting of this system is not adequately promoting dysregulation of autonomic function. The exercise is seen as an important tool in improving the control of reflex regulation of blood pressure. Therefore, the objective of this study is to review the effect of exercise on improvement of baroreflex sensitivity in hypertension pathology. Initially, it was done in a bibliographic database Pubmed, which were chosen studies that were related to the theme. According to studies, exercise is effective in controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients, and the physiological effect of this factor is improvement in sympathovagal balance with lower sympathetic nerve activity and increased vagal activity.


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How to Cite
Cardozo, D., Destro, D. de S., & Cardozo, L. C. (2012). Influence of physical exercise in baroreflex control in hypertension. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 6(34). Retrieved from
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