Effect a protocol of periodization of strength training on blood pressure in hypertensive women, physically active, between 53 and 65 years old
The objective of this research was to identify possible changes in blood pressure of subjects studied, through a timeline of a strength training protocol consisting of two weeks of adaptation, the more specific 12 weeks, divided into three mesocycles 4 weeks each, mesocycle (a), (B) and (C), totaling 36 training sessions. The sample consisted of 15 women with mean age of 58.8 ± 3.54, physically active. First, the load was determined from 8 to 10 repetitions maximum. In mesocycle A, the number of repetitions was 80 to 10 RM, corresponding to an intensity between 61 to 65% of the maximum load. In mesocycle B, the number of repetitions was 10 to 12 RM, the intensity between 53 to 61% of maximum load, and mesocycle C, the number of repetitions was 8 to 10 RM, the intensity between 61 to 65% maximum load, taking into account the volume and intensity of a mesocycle and others were always adjusted. The BP measurement was performed at baseline, during (6 weeks) and after (12th) week. The results showed that the periodicity of a protocol for strength training significantly reduced BP. The survey showed a reduction in the final 2 mmHg in SBP, whereas DBP was a slight decrease and maintenance of their blood pressure levels. We conclude that a periodization of strength training protocol influenced the BP reduction in hypertensive women, farms controlled by antihypertensives, showing that strength training can be an important tool in prescribing safe and effective training for individuals hypertensive.
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