Fitness assessment of the military police company special 146th military police
To know the initial condition of the police is of paramount importanceto the prescription of physical activity most appropriate and meet your goals and needs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fitness level of the military within the battalion. The sample consisted of 27 soldiers recruited randomly from the city of Cataguases-Mg, 34.26 +7.16 years. For the analysis of physical conditioning was used the TAF, which relies on the Cooper tests, abdominal flexion, arm flexing and fixed bar. Were also evaluated the speed and flexibility, by testing the test 200 and sitting and reaching, respectively. Data analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows version 16.0. Descriptive analysis was used for all variables, values were expressed as mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum score. Was considered a p <0.05. Were found the following values: Cooper test: 29.36 +4.65; 200mtest: 33.22 +3.33 seconds; abdominal flexion test: 42.89 +15.26 repetitions, arm flexing test: 27.07 +10.19 repetitions; fixed bar test: 7.41 +3.78 repetitions and flexibility test: 13.22 +4.34 cm. The results indicate that military personnel are evaluated with a low fitness level and recommend a fitness program for military personnel nationwide.
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