Comparison of the effect of acute muscle strain in the techniques of static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

  • Thiago Resende Pereira Faculdade Pitágoras
  • Renato Soares de Melo Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo
  • Isaac Mendes Cunha Instituto Passo 1
Keywords: Range of motion, Actin, Myosin, Myofibrils


Introduction and objective: Stretching is widespread in order to increase the yield of athletes, as well as treatingand preventing injuries and postural disorders, regain function, thereby promoting health and wellness, there are numerous techniques. The present study aimed to compare the efficiency of techniques and PNF stretching technique in static joint range of motion. Materials and Methods: The data collection was used 31 females, aged between 20 and 30 years, being stretched by the use of PNF stretching techniques and static stretching, with only one session of each technique with an interval seven days between techniques and the result was observed through photogrammetry computed response (strain) muscle acute immediately after stretching. Discussion: Stretching is a key resource in the preservation of muscle quality, but do not yet have a definition of what is the best technique to accomplish it. There are authors who advocate static stretching, PNF stretching for the other as the best technique to perform stretching. At one point the authors agree, perform stretching exercises can prevent or reduce muscle damageduring physical activities or activities of daily living. Results: Both techniques achieved significant results in gaining full range of motion, although the technique has shown a gain FNP slightly superior to static technique. Conclusion: Both techniquesare capable of producing an increase in ADM, but there was no statistically significant difference in gains between the two techniques studied.

Author Biographies

Thiago Resende Pereira, Faculdade Pitágoras

Pósgraduando em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio; Graduado em Fisioterapia

Renato Soares de Melo, Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo

Graduando em Medicina; Mestrado em Promoção de Saúde; Especialização em Fisioterapia Clí­nica com ênfase ênfase em Traumatologia e Ortopedia; Graduado em Fisioterapia; Ex-professor horista e Ex-Supervisor de Estágios no Centro Universitário do Cerrado Patrocí­nio


Isaac Mendes Cunha, Instituto Passo 1

Pósgraduando em Neurologia; Pósgraduando em Ortopedia; Graduado em Fisioterapia


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How to Cite
Pereira, T. R., Melo, R. S. de, & Cunha, I. M. (2013). Comparison of the effect of acute muscle strain in the techniques of static stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 7(37). Retrieved from
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