Body adiposity and physical fitness level in military policeman from Boa Vista -Roraima
The present study aimed to verify and classify the level of physical fitness (PF) and body adiposity of military policeman from Boa Vista –Roraima. To this end, 51 policeman of both sexes (30±3.97 years of age) were underwent to anthropometric measurements and PF [body mass index (BMI), maximal oxygen consumption indirect (VO2max) by Cooper test 12 minutes (T12), bending test on high bar (HB), elbow flexion test (EF) and trunk flexion test (TF)] and subsequently classified according to body adiposity as well as by the level of PF. The results showed that 60.8% were overweight and 39.2% as eutrophic. All results of neuromuscular fitness variables (HB= 10±3.8, EF= 47±5.8 and TF= 49±10.6 repetitions) and cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max= 42.1±4.5, regardless of sex, showed average values rated at least "Good". Still, individuals classified in the lower quartiles for VO2max, showed BMI visually higher (p>0.05), being statistically different (p <0.05) between the 2nd and 3rd quartile, with average BMI greater in the 2nd quartile. Furthermore, the sample showed a higher frequency (%) in the strata “Very Good” and “Excellent” for the PF tests (p=0.0001). In conclusion, military policeman from Boa Vista -Roraima were classified mostly overweight, but this factor does not seem to influence the level of PF, since the majority of the sample was classified in the highest strata in the physical PF.
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