Analysis of level moisture and sweating rate of athletes of category based basketball games during school
This study aimed to assess the level of hydration and sweat rate of athletes Basketball ́s base category, during a game. We evaluated 12 athletes (15,2±0,9 years, 10,4±7,1% fat, 40,3±4,7 ml/kg//min), with the average time in practice mode(on) 1.6 ± 0.4 years. The hydration level of the athletes was assessed by urine specific gravity (USG), measured before and after the match, and the percentage difference in body weight before and after the match. The volunteers were informed about the procedures that would be used and signed a consent form. Data were presented as mean, standard deviation, median, maximum and minimum values. The differences between the averages for the USG were checked by the Wilcoxon test and between the weight by paired t test. The average rate of sweating was 38.8 ± 26.72 ml / min. The percentage of dehydrated athletes early in the game was 50% with significant dehydration (1.021 to 1.030) and 16.6% with severe dehydration (> 1.030). After the game we had 66.6% with USG between 1.021 and 1.030 and 25% with severe dehydration, not being observed statistical difference between the initial and final USG (P = 0.064) nor between the initial and final weight of the athletes (P = 0.601). It is recommended the coaches, that, an awareness work should be done about the importance of hydration before the activity practiced, so they can start the exercise in the state of euhydration.
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