Proprioceptive training and sports injuries prevention

  • Cecilia Gross Windmoller Programa de Pós-Graduação Lato-Sensu da Universidade Gama Filho - Fisiologia do Exercí­cio: Prescrição do Exercí­cio.
Keywords: Proprioception, Prevention, Lesion, Sport


Introduction: sports exposes participants to a greater risk of injury, proprioceptive training is being recognized as an important element in prevention through changes in the mechanisms of neuromuscular control. Objective: identify whether proprioceptive training is effective in preventing sports injuries. Material and Methods: systematic review using Lilacs, Medline and Pubmed search for controlled intervention of proprioceptive training with sports players. The outcome measure incidence of injuries should be examined. Results: 11 studies were found. Discussion: 07 found asignificant decrease in the incidence of lesions. 02 found a decrease was not statistically significant, 01 found a decrease, but not compared statistically, and 01 found a decrease and an increase in the incidence of different lesions in the interventiongroup. Conclusion: the review presented studies with lower incidences of sports injuries in participants of proprioceptive training, so that training was effective in preventing sports injuries. Importantly, the training protocols were multifaceted, with aspects of strength training and agility, which made an exclusive association with proprioception sports injury difficult.


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How to Cite
Windmoller, C. G. (2013). Proprioceptive training and sports injuries prevention. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 7(38). Retrieved from
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