Variable prescription of resistance training in response post exercise hypotension

  • Diogo Correia Cardozo Faculdade Metodista Granbery, Juiz de Fora, MG
  • Leandro Correia Cardozo Universidade Salgado de Oliveira, Juiz de fora, MG
  • Denise de Souza Destro Faculdade Metodista Granbery, Juiz de Fora, MG
Keywords: Hypertension, Strength training, Pos-exercise hyportension


Resistance training is composed of many variables that are manipulated according to the desired goals. Currently this type of training programs has been recommended in the treatment and control of hypertension. Yet even then, there are still questions about your prescription. In this sense, therefore, aim of this study in the literature review the responses of the variables prescription of resistance training in the hypotensive effect. For this, a survey was done in major bibliographic databases (Scielo Bireme and Pubmed) and were selected studies that were related to the theme. According to studies in the literature we conclude that resistance training has shown positive responses in promoting the hypotensive effect after their practice, which is very important for individuals who require the control of blood pressure levels. However, being a training manipulated by many variables and most studies found in the literature focus only on two training variables (volume and intensity) need more scientific evidence to study other types of resistance training variables to arrive at a suitable training protocol.


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How to Cite
Cardozo, D. C., Cardozo, L. C., & Destro, D. de S. (2013). Variable prescription of resistance training in response post exercise hypotension. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 7(41). Retrieved from
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