Habits of research related to health practitioners to wal/run in public squares of Fortaleza-CE
The ways in which people live, the choices we make, are part of what we call lifestyle. This study aimed toinvestigate the health-related habits of the sample of practitioners of aerobic activity (walking / running) public squares of the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Conducted with 180 subjects, between October10, 2008 to November 30, 2008, distributed randomly. The variables studied were sex, age, conducting medical examination and physical, previous practice of physical activity, preferably of activity and dietary patterns. Observed in this study is a predominance of females (62.8%), 48.9% did not undergo medical background to exercise. Study group, 82.8% prefer the practice of walking, and the morning hours, (66.7%). The demand is the square because of the proximity of the residence and / or work (49.4%). Approximately 58.3% feed before exercising. Most do not perform any type of diet (63.3%) and those who perform diet, do so on their own (16.7%) and of these, 8.9% were to a nutritionist. 52.8% of practitioners do not have any kind of disease. We conclude thatthere was a predominance of women who did not undergo medical and physical evaluation prior to the exercise. The preferred practice fell walk in the morning hours. The demand is the square because of the proximity of the residence and / or work, and it was observed that feed before exercise. Of those who have some disease, hypertension predominated.
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