Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) of elderly women submitted to a circuit resistance training session
The present study aimed to determine the magnitude and duration of EPOC after a session of resistance training in older adults. The were volunteers were six women, mean age 63.8 ± 2.14 years, mean height of 153 ± 5,2 cm, body mass 56.6 ± 5.3 kg and BMI of 24.55 ± 3.16 kg / m², with experience of at least 6 months in resistance training. The volunteers were subjected to a session of resistance training in the method of circuit, consisting of 12 exercises, with one round and intensity of 50% 1RM, performing 20 repetitions submaximal, with an interval of 1 minute rest between each exercise. EPOC was observed only for a period of up to 4 minutes after the training session, with the largest magnitude was observed until about 2 minutes after the training session. In conclusion, resistance exercise with low intensity and low volume, performed under the method to circuit in elderly individuals, promotes an EPOC effect of little magnitude and duration.
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