Combination effects of different dietary supplements in hypertrophy in muscular strength training for practitioners

  • Romário Araujo Oliveira Universidade de Pernambuco e Universidade Gama Filho
Keywords: Supplementation, Supplements, Muscular hypertrophy, Strength training


Introduction: The dietary supplements are characterized by the consumption of nutrients with highly variable degree of efficiency, providing physiological adaptations and improve physical performance with that food supplements may be ergogenic resources. The consumption of dietary supplements is growing quickly in order both to increase sports performance and for improving the condition of health and fitness (muscle hypertrophy). The bodybuilders are the ones who use dietary supplements, with the main objective muscle hypertrophy. Objective: The aim of this review was to analyze the combination effects of different dietary supplements on muscle hypertrophy in bodybuilders. Literature review: Of the seven studies analyzed, six showed that the combination of different food supplements provides increased strength and muscle hypertrophy (increase in total body mass and lean body mass). But one study showed that the use of dietary supplements brought no significant result in muscle hypertrophy, that training alone is sufficient. Conclusion: So it is concluded that bodybuilders make use of various dietary supplements and their use, according to studies, provides muscle hypertrophy, but the use of these substances should be directed and prescribed by nutritionists and there are studiesshowing deleterious effects of combined use of these products and exaggerated.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, R. A. (2013). Combination effects of different dietary supplements in hypertrophy in muscular strength training for practitioners. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 7(40). Retrieved from
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