Anthropometric parameters profile and factor of risk cardiovascular diseases in teachers form the city's education of young and adult (EYA) from Ponta Grossa city
Checking and delineating the anthropometric profile and some factor of risk o cardiovascular diseases, based on current literature of teachers of the Educations of Young and Adults. Employees of Ponta Grossa City hall’s chart of mastership. It was carried through a study with teachers from EJA and Ponta Grossa’s City Hall, where the servers answered to a questionnaire and had blood pressure, weight and height measured. The blood pressure levels were classified according to V Brazilian Lines of direction of Arterial Hypertension. The analyzed factors of risk were tobaccos, physical activity, BMI and CC. Sixty-one teachers participated of the study, being classified as 69% with normal blood pressure and 31% interviewed with hypertension. The evaluated factors of risk were IMC adding 48% between interviewed with levels of obesity I and I, tobaccos 15%, lack of physical activity 75% and CC adding 75% between increased a very increased. The presence of high pressrooms levels cardiovascular factors of risk remarks a necessity of precaution measures and therapeutically of direct cardiovascular diseases to this group of servers from the Ponta Grossa’s City hall.
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