The speed in sports

  • Bernardo Neme Ide Laboratório de Bioquí­mica do Exercí­cio (LABEX), Instituto de Biologia - IB - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade Metropolitana de Campinas, Metrocamp
Keywords: Strength and power in sports, Neuromuscular adaptations to strength training, Sprints


The displacement speed of the athletes is expressed in movement patterns known in literature as sprints. Defined as short-duration and maximal intensity activities, they manifest in patterns of movement such as running, cycling and swimming. However, sprints are considered as muscular power manifestations, we can ask ourselves about what capacity we should aim to develop: speed or power? The aim of this study was to discuss the current concepts and definitions of the speed and power in sports.


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How to Cite
Neme Ide, B. (2013). The speed in sports. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 7(41). Retrieved from
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