Why the punch causes more points than the kick during the fight of karate? Content for prescribing the training of the shotokan karate

  • Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior Mestre em Ciência da Motricidade Humana pela UCB do RJ, Brasil
Keywords: Sport, Combat, Attack during combat


In the fight of the shotokan karate 80% of the points are with punch and 11% is with kick. The objective of the review was to explain the motive for the greater number of points of the punch and how to use this information to prescribe the training. In this review were selected research on the karate and biomechanics that investigated the motive for greater number of points of the punch during the fight and how to prescribe the training. The collection of the studies occurred in Bireme, PubMed, Google Scholar and in the CAPES Journals. The results of the review showed that the greatest number of points of the punch is because the humans have more skill with hands, the lower lever arm allows the punch complete the attack before of the kick, the short distance the punch is more effective, in offensive action of anticipation the punch causes more successful and during the counter-attack is usually with punch, the gyaku zuki. The technical training and situational training of the karate deserves prescription with attack, with anticipation and defend and counter-attack because are offensive actions common in the fight. In these two sessions the emphasis should be on the anaerobic metabolism alactic, the number of repetitions must be between 3 to 10, the series deserve to be between 2 to 5 and the pause must be of 1:2 or 1:3. The competitive training for the karateka is performed through of the fight. In conclusion, structure and prescribe a training based on the literature may cause benefits for the karate athlete during the competition.

Author Biography

Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior, Mestre em Ciência da Motricidade Humana pela UCB do RJ, Brasil

Mestre em Ciência da Motricidade Humana pela UCB do RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite
Marques Junior, N. K. (2013). Why the punch causes more points than the kick during the fight of karate? Content for prescribing the training of the shotokan karate. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 7(40). Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/553
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