Fisio-cognitive aspects using the tower of hanoi in fundamental education

  • Leonardo Almeida Cavalcanti Universidade Católica de Brasília
  • Ademir Lentz FFFASIPE
  • Marcia Garcia Lopes Escola Sadao Watanabe-MT
Keywords: Tower of Hanoi, Cognition, Physiology


This research is the application and study of the Tower of Hanoi tocharacterize the action level and the level of understanding of the game.The participants in the experiment were a total of 10 female students from13 to 15 years old.Data were collected through recording the numbers of movements in second,errors and answers of 03 questions.From the physiological and intellectual development of the studied people,can be affirmedthat there is a great practical distance between perform andunderstand a given task, there is a production of intellect thatresulting in thought. Which can improve the planned and intentionallybehavior used to solve a task, reflecting the strategic level of thesubject.The results suggest an effect in the action of learning, but there was nounderstanding of learning.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Almeida Cavalcanti, Universidade Católica de Brasília

Professor universitário, Stricto Sensu na Universidade Católica de Brasília (Doutorado)

Marcia Garcia Lopes, Escola Sadao Watanabe-MT
Profesora de Letras- UNEMAT-MT


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How to Cite
Cavalcanti, L. A., Lentz, A., & Lopes, M. G. (2014). Fisio-cognitive aspects using the tower of hanoi in fundamental education. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 8(43). Retrieved from
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