Quantification of use cryotherapy at physical performance and treatment of lesions in the database SciELO.org

  • Thiago Siqueira dos Santos Universidade Gama Filho (UGF)
Keywords: Cryotherapy, Physical performance, Treatment, Injuries


Introduction: Defined as a therapeutic procedure for application of local cold. Thecryotherapy is used both for the treatment of lesions causing local analgesia, reducing edema, reducing inflammation; and for improving physical performance as a method to enhance recovery post workouts. Objective: The objective of this literature review was to determine how many articles have studied the use of cryotherapy for improved physical performance and and how to treatment of injuries, as well as analyzing the methods of application of cryotherapy, objectives and results. Materials and Methods: Was used as database virtual library SciELO.org, with the search word "cryotherapy", the results were analyzed in this way the work chosen should meet the criteria. Results: The selected articles were characterized and organized into two frames as: author, sample, cryotherapy (application method); goal and results. Discussion: This study showed that there are five studies that investigated the use of cryotherapy for improved physical performance and eight studies that investigated the use of cryotherapy for the treatment of muscle injuries, joint or bone. Conclusion: Few studies found that examined the effects on improvement in physical performance and injury treatment, cryotherapy was shown as a way beneficial to analgesic, and decrease pain in the treatment of injuries, the studies that assessed for improvement in physical performance demonstrated that there is an efficient way to obtain the expected results.

Author Biography

Thiago Siqueira dos Santos, Universidade Gama Filho (UGF)

Professor de educação fí­sica especializado em fisiologia do exercí­cio e prescrição do exercí­cio


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How to Cite
Siqueira dos Santos, T. (2014). Quantification of use cryotherapy at physical performance and treatment of lesions in the database SciELO.org. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 8(43). Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/582
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