Rating perceived exertion as tool in monitoring of intensity of effort in indoor cycling classes
The Indoor Cycling (IC) is one of the most widely practiced today ingyms in Brazil and in the world.The IC is practiced on a stationary bike designed specifically for this type of class combining basic movements of traditional cycling combined with different musical rhythms. The IC is a predominantly aerobic exercise performed at high intensities, thus tools for monitoring these intensities by practitioners that is easy to use and low cost is needed. Therefore, the aimsof this study are to examine the response of HR and RPE during classes IC and the relation between the two variables. The sample was composed of 10 women practitioners of IC mean age of 37.5 ± 9.4 years. Were monitored two classes of IC of each volunteer in training real conditions, measuring HR and RPE during the classes. The results indicate that the IC monitored classes are held in highintensity, on average 90.3 ± 4.3% HR max and 5.2 ± 0.9 for RPE. Also found high and significant correlation (r = 0.79, p = 0.02) between HR and RPE. In this way, given the results presented we conclude that the IC classes are held in high intensity, requiring great work cardiorespiratory system. In addition, high and significant correlation between HR and RPE indicates that this is a valid tool for monitoring the intensity of IC classes.
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