Scientific evidence about the fight of the shotokan karate of competition
The kumite of the shotokan karate occurs in an area of 8x8 meters with a time of fight of 2 minutes. The offensive techniques during the kumite are with light contact on the trunk of the karateka. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate the effort during the fight, the attack and the defense during the fight, the reaction time and the decision making during the fight. The karateka during the fight practices effort and pause during. The metabolic duringthe fight is aerobic or anaerobic, depends on the velocity of movement during the kumite and the time of pause determined by the referee. Heart rate during the kumite is of 170 to 180 beats per minute corresponds to an effort aerobic and anaerobic, usually the lactate accumulation is the range of 3 to 8 mmol/l. The karateka practiced more points (waza-ari or ippon) of attack and with the anticipation. During the fight of the shotokan karate, occurs the simple reaction time or the choice reaction time. In conclusion is important the karate coach know the effort during the kumite for elaborates the physical training or work the karateka in technical training with the metabolic demands of the fight. The attack techniques with the offensive actions that resultsin more points the karate coach needs of orients the athlete for a more use during the fight.
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