Risk factors for injuries in amatuer steet runners in Sao Paulo

  • Daniela Fernandes Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Bragança Paulista- FESB
  • Thiago Fernando Lourenço Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
  • Elaine Cristina Simões Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Bragança Paulista- FESB
Keywords: Injuries, Street racers, Training


The practice of middle and long distance running has been increasing worldwide. Despite all the benefits of the practice, the literature has also observed a high incidence of injuries. Such injuries can be caused by several factors classified as intrinsic and extrinsic. In Brazil there are few studies on the prevalence of injuries in runners and mainly associating them with the causing factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the incidence of injuries in runners participating in street running circuit in the São Paulo, as well as identify the degree of association of the prevalence of lesions with intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Data were collected during the registration process for athletes in the São Paulo International Marathon and Campinas Half Marathon through a questionnaire (IMR). The results showed an injury incidence of 21.5% and it’s significantly correlation with the training volume and frequency. No significant associationwas found in the other variables. Thus, our data indicate that controlling the volume and frequency of training is an important measure to prevent the occurrence of these lesions in this modality.

Author Biography

Thiago Fernando Lourenço, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Doutor e Mestre em Biodinâmica do Movimento Humano pela Faculdade de Educação Fí­sica da UNICAMP. Atualmente é doutorando em Biodinâmica do Movimento Humano pela UNICAMP, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: avaliação fí­sica, ponto de compensação respiratória e estado ácido-base de corredores de rua. Integrante do Laboratório de Bioquí­mica do Exercí­cio - LABEX - UNICAMP e docente do Centro Universitário Anhanguera ministrando as disciplinas de Fisiologia Humana e do Exercí­cio. Atuou como fisiologista - Paulista Futebol Clube Ltda. e preparador fí­sico de tenistas profissionais e juvenis.


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How to Cite
Fernandes, D., Lourenço, T. F., & Simões, E. C. (2014). Risk factors for injuries in amatuer steet runners in Sao Paulo. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 8(49), 656-663. Retrieved from https://www.rbpfex.com.br/index.php/rbpfex/article/view/674
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