Strenght training and breast câncer: a sistematic review

  • Alan Moraes Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC
  • Claudio Battaglini UNC 0 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Luiz Fernando Schmidt UDESC
  • Aline Dandara Rafael UDESC
  • Suelen Cristina Roussenq UDESC
  • Mirella Dias UDESC - CEPON
  • Magnus Benetti UDESC
Keywords: Physical exercise, Neoplasm, Comorbidity


Strength training is an intervention strategy to maintain, promote health and improve quality of life. The development of muscle strength has been recognized in the rehabilitation and recovery of breast cancer survivor, mitigating physical and psychological disabilities during and after treatment. This study aim to present the results of studies conducted in the field of strength training and breast cancer women who were submitted to treatment, seeking to verify the load intensity influence in the onset and worsening of lymphedema. Literature research was made in journals indexed on database of Scielo, and Pubmed, and Bireme. Strength training, breast cancer, weight lifting and resistance training were the Keywords used in the present research. According to results found in this study, the effects of strength training are positive in increasing bone density, muscle strength, quality of life, reduction of falls and has a positive impact in perception of health, apparently has minimum risk imposed to participants during participation. This literature review has found that studies with strength training apparently do not increase the incidence of lymphedema in this population, even with progressive increase of the load.

Author Biographies

Alan Moraes, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC

Fisiologista do Exercí­cio, pesquisador-colaborador na UDESC, linha de pesquisa: Treinamento e Doença. Docente Curso de Medicina/UNISUL.

Claudio Battaglini, UNC 0 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

PhD em Cinesiologia, prof da UNC, pesquisador com reconhecido conhecimento e publicação na area de exercicio e cancer.

Luiz Fernando Schmidt, UDESC

Acadêmico de Fisioterapia da UDESC.

Aline Dandara Rafael, UDESC

Acadêmica de Fisioterapia da UDESC.

Suelen Cristina Roussenq, UDESC

Acadêmica de Fisioterapia da UDESC.

Mirella Dias, UDESC - CEPON

Fisioterapeuta no CENTRO DE PESQUISAS ONCOLÓGICAS (CEPON) e prof Ms. visitante no curso de Fisioterapia da UDESC.

Magnus Benetti, UDESC

Prof Dr. da UDESC, no curso de Educação Fí­sica, Fisioterapia e no Programa de Ciências do Movimento Humano.


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How to Cite
Moraes, A., Battaglini, C., Schmidt, L. F., Rafael, A. D., Roussenq, S. C., Dias, M., & Benetti, M. (2014). Strenght training and breast câncer: a sistematic review. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 8(49), 664-673. Retrieved from
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