Postural alterations in football players of a professional team in the age group between 14-35 years
The aim of this research was to evaluate the postural alterations of a professional footballteam from São Paulo state. The sample consisted of 116 athletes, in ages between 14 and 35 years, with a training volume of four hours per day, five times a week. In order to evaluate postural alterations, biophotogrammetry procedures and a protocol proposed by Portland State University (PSU) was used, in which the posture correction index (PCI) of ≥ 75% for adolescents and ≥ 80% for adults are considered normal. In order to compare the means of the body regions, analysis of variance on repeated measures test post hoc de Bonferroni was used. The student’s t test for independent samples was conducted to compare the means of each body region between the age groups. The Pearson correlation test was used to evaluate the correlation between means of the body regions and years of practice modality (YPM). For all statistical analysis, the adopted level of significance was 5% (p ≤0.05).The results showed normal ICP’s for both adolescents and adults with emphasis in the abdominal and hip regions (≥ 80 %). Regarding to the remaining body regions, a more clinical observation is required. In conclusion, it is recommended the development of a program to monitor the postural alterations of these athletes, a neuromuscular and proprioceptive training to improve body awareness and muscular compensation in both age groups, as well as a resistance training program to improve muscle imbalances in the adolescents.
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