Surf: a systematic review

  • Luiz Fernando Novack Centro de Estudos da Performance Fí­sica - CEPEFIS - Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR.
  • Raul Osiecki Centro de Estudos da Performance Fí­sica - CEPEFIS - Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR.
Keywords: Sport, Physical exercise, Physiology


Introduction: Despite the increased popularity of surfing in the development and evolution of sports equipment, the specialized scientific literature reports that few is known about the factors related to training and physical performance in this modality. Aim: To identify the key scientific studies on the subject surf related to exercise physiology. Methodology: This is a systematic literature review, with the use of databases indexed to Portal Periódicos Capes. Results: Using the descriptors : " surf", “surfing”, "surfer" and " exercisephysiology " as well as their respective terms in Portuguese, "surfe", "surfistas", and "fisiologia do exercício”, 155 articles were found, these six articles were selected that meet the criteria for inclusion proposed, which were analyzed in their entirety. Regarding the theme of each study, two of them address issues related to balance and postural control, three of which concern issues related to physical performance, while one has the central theme of thermoregulation. Conclusion: Within the criteria established for the development of this systematic review, this confirms the evidence in the scientific literature indicated that there is little research addressing factors related to physical performance in surfing.


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How to Cite
Novack, L. F., & Osiecki, R. (2014). Surf: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 8(50). Retrieved from
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