Asthmatic Students in sport classes: a difficulty or a challenge?

  • Anna Paula Miceli Alcântara de Oliveira Faculdade Estácio Euro-Panamericana de Humanidades e Tecnologias
  • Daniel Martins Candido Silva Universidade Estácio de Sá-UNESA, Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: School health, Asthma, Exercise-induced asthma


Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract which blocks the airways and leads the individual to bronchospasm. Genetic factors are enhanced by several triggering factors such as dust, mite, mold, chemicals, climate changes, and even by physical exercises. Much is known about the benefits of Physical activity for adolescents and children in school age, and simply removing the possibility for children with asthma to do any kind of physical effort on behalf of the disease does not seem to be the best way. Therefore, this study aims to show the importance of integrating the asthmatic student in Sport classes, teaching them exercises that may improve their respiratory tract condition. This study was carried out by observation the students, and the selected ones were divided into two groups, from 4 -11 years old, and from 12 –14 years old, of whom three (37,5%) were in the first group, and five (62,5%) were in the second group. These students were observed for a period of one month during regular Physical Education classes. As a result, it was observed that all selected students participated regularlyand did not trigger asthma attacks. Fifty per cent of the observed students are under medical follow-up and control asthma through medication. These students, when allied to a special strategy on the part of the teacher to reduce the length of aerobic activities, and the applying breathing exercises, have attained better profit from the exercises then the other asthmatic students.


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How to Cite
Miceli Alcântara de Oliveira, A. P., & Silva, D. M. C. (2014). Asthmatic Students in sport classes: a difficulty or a challenge?. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 8(50). Retrieved from
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