Life style and humor state of the active and sedentary elderly
Was investigated the humor states of active and sedentary elderly individuals residents in São José/SC. Were evaluated 56 elderly people, 18 men and 38 women, with age greater age of 60 years. Were used two instruments: the Questionnaire for the Characterization of Lifestyle adapted by Andrade (2001) and Scale of Humor of Brums (Rohlfs, 2006). The results indicated as general characteristics that most elderly studied by the basic school, not work and belief in the existence of God. The elderly investigated have a positive self-evaluation of health, quality of sleep and rest. The active lifestyle helped the perception of health where the elderly active perceive significantly better health compared to sedentary elderly. As for the humor state, the actives have assets high vigor and lower tension, anger, fatigue and depression compared with sedentary elderly. Both the depression, greater in sedentary, as the vigor, variable highly positive mood, greater in the elderly active, showed statistically significant differences (p<0.05), indicating better emotional state. Actives have better state of humor that sedentary. Elderly individuals who self-assess with greater belief in God have better humor state. Elderly who practice a lifestyle active have better perception of health and better state of humor.
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