Neuromorphological responses due to a training protocol with emphasis in isometric muscular action
Aim: The objective of this research was to investigate the potential of isometric muscle action in the routine of resistance training in relation to the increase in strength and muscle hypertrophy. Material and Methods: The study was with 12 men of 20.75 ± 1.22 years, 2.58 ± 0.79 trained years where 6 conducted structured workouts in 3 sets of 8 reps with 4 seconds of isometric at the beginning of each repetition concentric actions, 1 minute break between sets, 6x/weed, for 8 weeks (GE). Six subjects trained disregarding isometric emphasis, besides respecting the above conditions (GC).Were pre and post-experiment tests the Bench Press 1RM (SR) and 45 ° Leg Press (LP) and anthropometric test to determine body fat percentage (%G) and lean body mass (MCM). In the data we used the ANOVA with Tukey post-test, considering p<0.05. Discussion:We found an increase of force across joint amplitude and tending hypertrophy. Results: The data indicated a significant increase intra-group (p=0,049) in the 1RM test in the exercise of the GE SR (Pre: 105.00±10.18 Post: 119.67±10.15) at the end of eight weeks, plus an observable tendency to increase (p=0,98) MCM (Pre: 71.68± 5.03 Post: 73.34 ± 4.71). Conclusion: It is concluded that the use of isometrics with the dynamic efforts proved effective as the variable resistance training, enhancing the performance increase and eventually muscle hypertrophy.
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