Changes in metabolic and biochemical patterns of bodybuilders after preparatory phase: experience report

  • Ragami Alves Centro de Pesquisa em Exercí­cio e Esporte (CEPEE). Universidade Federal Paraná
  • Tácito Souza Junior Centro de Pesquisa em Exercí­cio e Esporte (CEPEE). Universidade Federal Paraná
  • Sandro Ferreira Centro de Pesquisa em Exercí­cio e Esporte (CEPEE). Universidade Federal Paraná
  • Lúcio Follador Centro de Pesquisa em Exercí­cio e Esporte (CEPEE). Universidade Federal Paraná
  • Sergio Da Silva Centro de Pesquisa em Exercí­cio e Esporte (CEPEE). Universidade Federal Paraná
  • Julio Bassan Centro de Pesquisa em Exercí­cio e Esporte (CEPEE). Universidade Federal Paraná
Keywords: Training, Metabolism, Performance


Objective: To compare the biochemical parameters of glucose, testosterone, CK (creatine kinase), GOT (glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase), GPT (glutamic pyruvic transaminase) and creatinine of two athletes, participants in the 2007 Paranaense Bodybuilding Championship. Materials and Methods: Participants underwent two assessment periods (pre and during the competition). Evaluation of biochemical variables was performed using blood samples. Weight, height and skinfold thickness were performed for anthropometric measurements and body fat percentage. Results: Creatinine met outside the recommended the reference ranges in the post-test for participant 1, while participant 2, in both periods, did not meet the reference ranges. For GOT and GPT, both participants had values above the stipulated reference ranges in both evaluation periods. As for testosterone, participant 1 showed normal values, while participant 2 presented values above the reference range. Values for CK were above the reference range for both participantsandfor both evaluation periods. Conclusion: The twoathletes showed different biochemical reference ranges for the studied variables. Thus, it is suggested medical supervision in order to maximize performance and avoid possible deleterious effects from this training routine.


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How to Cite
Alves, R., Souza Junior, T., Ferreira, S., Follador, L., Da Silva, S., & Bassan, J. (2016). Changes in metabolic and biochemical patterns of bodybuilders after preparatory phase: experience report. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 9(53), 231-239. Retrieved from
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