Personal trainer and specific training for football referee

  • Jacqueline Maria Bueno Programa de Pós-Graduação da PUC-PR, Brasil
  • Alberto Inácio Da Silva Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG)
Keywords: Referee, Soccer, Personal training


Football is a sport that requires high effort of your practitioner, especially when the subject performs this activity as aprofessional player. Players are trained under the supervision of a technical committee, because of the numerous variables that are developed for a physical training program. On the other hand, footballreferee does not have the same training level that the players or a technical committee to train him. Not to be the margin of the evolution of sports training affecting the players, the referee has search a professional of physical education to training, since it does not have a fixed location for your training period. However, to train the footballreferee is neededto have a specific knowledge. The referee’s training should be customized considering various factors such as your age, motor actions employed during the match beyond the knowledge of the physical capabilities to be addressed during training enhances targeting them, not only for the referee to match perform, but also to succeed in the FIFA fitness test. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the main variables that must support the custom and specific training for football referee.

Author Biographies

Jacqueline Maria Bueno, Programa de Pós-Graduação da PUC-PR, Brasil

Graduada em Educação Fí­sica - UEPG; Membro de Grupo de Pesquisa em Árbitro de Futebol; Programa de Pós-graduação da PUCPR - Especialização em Personal Training. 

Alberto Inácio Da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG)

Doutor em Biologia Celular Molecular Área de concentração Fisiologia - UFPR; Mestrado em Metodologia do Treinamento Desportivo - ISCF Manuel Fajardo - CUBA; Graduado em Educação Fí­sica - PUCPR


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How to Cite
Bueno, J. M., & Da Silva, A. I. (2015). Personal trainer and specific training for football referee. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 9(52), 216-227. Retrieved from
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