Behavior of the cardiac frequency of men in the horizontal flexor exercise
The study it had as objective to determine and to compare the values of the frequency cardíopath (FC) during the accomplishment of the flexion of knees. Masculine sex had participated of this searches (18) individuals do, practitioners of musculação in average has 9 months, 3 times per week with hypertrophies objective, with age average 25.17 years, body mass 74.6 kg, stature 1.74cm, IMC 24.55 kg/m2, in one situated academy in São Jose. Initially a heating in the considered device was executed, with a load with which the volunteer could carry through of 16 the 20 repetitions. After this procedure the citizens located in the flexor device horizontal mark TRG fitness, model progress line, the load were adjusted so that each evaluated individually, thus carrying through three series of 10 repetitions, being allowed an interval of 45 seconds between the series. The pause consisted simply that the evaluated one if kept motionless in the initial position of the exercise, or either, with the extended legs. The FC registers had been carried through by intermediary of cardiofreqüêncimetro Polar® model Fs 2 being identified the cardiac frequency of rest (Fcrest) and the FC the ending of each given series. Os had been after compared through the test t-Student pareado being adopted a p<0,05 in the analyses. Not statistical significances between (FCrest) in relation the three series had been found.
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