The weekly frequency in swimming training influences the response of muscle fatigue and contraction force?

  • Ricardo Cesar Alves Ferreira Universidade do Vale do Paraiba
  • Wendel S. Fernandes Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (IP&D), Universidade do Vale do Paraí­ba (UniVap)
  • Wellington Ribeiro Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (IP&D), Universidade do Vale do Paraí­ba (UniVap)
Keywords: Swimming, Muscle fatigue, Force of contraction


The Success of sports training, for competitive purposes or simply Wellness, while avoiding the risks that can cause a sedentary lifestyle, is directly related to the methodology and control of the training in question. Knowledge and elucidations on the effect of sports training on different numbers of sessions during the week it is important for the coaches. In this study 18 mices were divided into three groups where the first remained sedentary and two other groups were subjected to swimming training for 30 minutes and in one of these groups the weekly training volume was three times and the other group swam five times per week, the objective was to evaluate the ability of muscle contraction and fatigue index. The method for evaluation of these parameters was the intensity of contraction and peak Maximum percentage decrease of contraction measured by direct electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve of animals and coupled to a electrophysiographer which recorded muscular contractions obtained , the resultsobtained in these two parameters can be observe a significant difference even without the active groups for sedentary suggesting that individuals who exercise even just three times can present significant results as those q exercise five times a week compared to the sedentary group.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, R. C. A., Fernandes, W. S., & Ribeiro, W. (2016). The weekly frequency in swimming training influences the response of muscle fatigue and contraction force?. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 9(54), 381-386. Retrieved from
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