Prevention and treatment of lumbar pain in employees working as janitors in a private school in Ponta Porã city - MS.
The low back pain continues being a very common disorder among workers of the most several professions, causing damages not only for the worker's health but also for the companies and for the organs of health. The objective of that study was to accomplish the prevention and treatment of the low back pain as well as improve the amplitude of movement of low back in employees working as janitores. To the total, twenty employees of that section composed the sample. By the need to reduce the incidence of the pain and improve the muscular flexibility, it was created a treatment program and specific attendance, seeking to analyze the effectiveness of exercises as well as postural correction. The data were collected through an evaluation questionnaire; at the end of the treatment, other questionnaire was applied, of revaluation, being aimed to analyze the results obtained. It was verified that the pain decreased in 80% of the cases; there was get better in the relationship with the work friends, improvement in the flexibility as well as reduction of the stress and physical fatigue. It was also observed a better awareness about the postures adopted during the work.
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