Action of concurrent training on some anthropometric variables of hypertensive patients

  • Rubem Machado Filho Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Concurrent training, Hypertension


Hypertension is a major risk factors for the onset of heart disease. However, in the last decade, alternative measures have been adopted as a means of disease prevention and health maintenance and well-being. Among these measures, physical activity is recommended as an alternative non-pharmacological treatment and prevention of hypertension. Regular exercise helps to reduce blood pressure at rest as much as chronic response, as acute. Reduced pressure values, even in normotensive subjects, is an important factor to minimize the risk of heart disease. Are called concurrent training training programs that combine strength and aerobic endurance in the same training session. This study aimed to verify the action of concurrent training on some anthropometric variables in hypertensive.


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How to Cite
Filho, R. M. (2016). Action of concurrent training on some anthropometric variables of hypertensive patients. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 9(56), 643-646. Retrieved from
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