Relation between body fat mass and maximum oxygen uptake in the stablisment of risk for cardiovascular disease in policemen from Aracaju, SE
This study it had for objective to verify association of the percentage of body fat and the maximum VO2 in the estimate of factors of risks of cardiovascular illnesses in military policemen. The sample was composed for 130 military policemen, with average age of 32.08 ± 4.86, selected from a Battalion of the military policy of the Aracaju city. Were measured body mass (kg), stature (cm) (for body mass index), skin folds, the relation waist/hip, waist’ circumference and percentage of body fat. Cardiorespiratory capacity also was evaluated by means of maximum prediction VO2(ml/kg/min) defined from the Progressive Aerobic Cardio respiratory Endurance Run Test (PACER). The VO2max and the percentage of body fat had been applied to reference values, the criteria from the normative analysis of the percentile. For the analysis of data it was used association qui-square with level of significance of 5%. The group presented normal indexes of body composition, but increased percentage of body fat. In the analysis for criterion, for the studied group, 50% of the military policemen presented risk when analyzed the percentage of body fat. Thirty four percent of policemen presented inadequate levels of maximum VO2. The variable of the percentage of fat and the maximum VO2 meet associates (P≤0.05), for the test of the Qui-square.The results of the present study demonstrated a significant association between body fat and cardiorespiratory capacity.
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