Injury prevalence in capoeira practitioners in the city of Fortaleza-CE
In capoeira, several impact movements are conducted, which can lead to injury. This study aims to investigate the types and locations of most common injuries in the practice of capoeira, its treatment and reported consequences. The type of research used was straightforward and descriptive and included the participation of 47 capoeira practitioners, which responded to a questionnaire prepared by the authors, containing 16 questions. The research occurred during a training course for teachers of capoeira in the city of Fortaleza-CE. It was noticed that about 70% of interviewees suffered injuries in capoeira, being the most affected their knee (36.2%) and muscle injury was the most quoted. 42.1% took less than a month to recover from injuries, however, it is reported the loss of physical conditioning (39.1 percent). On the treatment of injuries, it was noticed that self-medication prevailed (25%) and, 51.1% still feel pain from injuries. It is concluded that the number of injuries in capoeira is quite high, a fact that may be related to the complex movements of the modality. Thetreatment and prevention of injuries are essential, avoiding serious consequences and extending the practice of capoeira.
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