Comparison of EMG of the brachial triceps and anterior deltoid in the shoulder development exercises and triceps bench press

  • Abraham Lincoln de Paula Rodrigues Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Túlio Luiz Banja Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Danilo Rodrigues Cavalcante Feitosa Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Igor Neves Torres Laboratório de Biomecânica da Universidade Federal do Ceará
Keywords: Electromyography, Triceps brachii, Anterior deltoid


Electromyography (EMG) is used to highlight information relating to the state of activation of muscles measured by electrical activity of excitable membranes. The aim of the study was to compare the electromyographic activity of the triceps brachialmuscles and anterior deltoid in development exercises shoulder press and triceps bench press. The study included 10 male subjects aged greater than or equal to 18 years, bodybuilders for at least six months without injury, disease or recent surgeries. The test statistical model ANOVA two away was used to determine differences between the RMS values of each muscle and each year. The results of the study showed that the triceps muscle showed higher electromyographic activity in the triceps bench press (175.09μV) compared to shoulder development exercise (143.96μV), but these results did not show statistically significant differences. Compared to the previous deltoid,was foundmost electromyographic activity on the shoulder of development exercise (322.48μV) compared to triceps bench press (233.28μV), but these results did not show statistically significant differences.From these results can-We conclude that there were no significant differences in the electromyographic activity of the muscles evaluated in the exercises.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, A. L. de P., Banja, T. L., Feitosa, D. R. C., & Torres, I. N. (2016). Comparison of EMG of the brachial triceps and anterior deltoid in the shoulder development exercises and triceps bench press. Brazilian Journal of Exercise Prescription and Physiology, 10(59), 349-355. Retrieved from
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