The hypotensive effect: in the training in circuit versus training with multiple series
This study aims at verifying the alterations in the hypotensive response in normotensive male individuals, before and after two resistance training systems: one with a circuit training and another with multiple series performed at the same intensity at 60% of 1 RM. The research characterizes as a pre-experimental one, with group outlining before and after the test. The study population consists of N =194, from which a sample of 13 (n=13) was chosen, according to some criteria: 100% attendance to classes, minimum of 2 months’ experience with resisted training, male, age from 20 to 29 years old. The institution researched is a musculation gym located in Charqueadas/RS, with a large musculation room and two rooms for gymnastics. When we analyze the two training systems-circuit versus multiple series there are no meaningful reductions concerning resting values, but both systems resulted in a reduction in the PAS values, and only the multiple series training presented a meaningful reduction in PAD regarding resting blood pressure. What has to be taken into consideration for the correct prescription is the fact that both systems presented reductions in the pressoric values.
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