Revisão sistemática e meta-análise sobre os efeitos do treino de endurance e da suplementação de proteína de soro de leite na expressão génica de MTOR, MURF-1, MAFBX

  • Raphael Furtado Marques Post-graduation Program in Physical Education at the Federal University of Maranhão-PPGEF/UFMA, Brazil; Laboratory of Physiology and Exercise Prescription of Maranhão-LAFIPEMA, Brazil.
  • Marcos Roberto Campos de Macêdo Laboratory of Physiology and Exercise Prescription of Maranhão-LAFIPEMA, Brazil; Post-graduation Program in Adult Health-PPGSAD at the Federal University of Maranhão-UFMA, Brazil.
  • Alanna Joselle Santiago Silva Laboratory of Physiology and Exercise Prescription of Maranhão-LAFIPEMA, Brazil; Post-graduation Program in Adult Health-PPGSAD at the Federal University of Maranhão-UFMA, Brazil.
  • Carlos Eduardo Neves Amorim Post-graduation Program in Physical Education at the Federal University of Maranhão-PPGEF/UFMA, Brazil.
  • Antonio Coppi Navarro Post-graduation Program in Physical Education at the Federal University of Maranhão-PPGEF/UFMA, Brazil; Laboratory of Physiology and Exercise Prescription of Maranhão-LAFIPEMA, Brazil.
  • Francisco Navarro Post-graduation Program in Physical Education at the Federal University of Maranhão-PPGEF/UFMA, Brazil; Laboratory of Physiology and Exercise Prescription of Maranhão-LAFIPEMA, Brazil; Post-graduation Program in Adult Health-PPGSAD at the Federal University of Maranhão-UFMA, Brazil.
Palavras-chave: Treinamento resistido, Whey protein, MTOR, MURF-1, MAFBX


Aim: Systematic review and meta-analysis about the effects of endurance training and Whey Protein supplementation on the gene expression of MTOR, MURF-1, MAFBX. Materials and methods: To this systematic review was used the concepts of systematic review and meta-analysis proposed by Thomas, Nelson, Silverman (2012), and Berwanger et al., (2007), and the search followed procedures proposed by Navarro and Navarro (2012), and for the criteria of evaluation of the technical and scientific quality of the texts was used the scale proposed by Galna et al., (2009). Results and discursion: From 724 eligible studies, the sample was 4 original articles where we inferred that the models of endurance training adopted in the experiments, are, the following: Jump in liquid environment, motorized treadmill, and, in squatting apparatus for electric stimulation in the base and that in terms of experimental study in relation to the dose of the supplement, the prescribed was recommended by manuals; and about the gene expression of MTOR, MURF-1, MAFBX, although had been verified it does not occurred due the endurance training and the Whey Protein supplementation and, therefore, absent. Conclusion: In terms of experimentation, it’s not found studies enough to compose the adequate procedure for a meta-analysis, even after a systematic review about the effects of endurance training and Whey Protein supplementation on the gene expression of MTOR, protein synthesis and the gene expression of MURF-1, MAFBx of protein degradation in wistar rats.


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Como Citar
Marques, R. F., Macêdo, M. R. C. de, Silva, A. J. S., Amorim, C. E. N., Navarro, A. C., & Navarro, F. (2023). Revisão sistemática e meta-análise sobre os efeitos do treino de endurance e da suplementação de proteína de soro de leite na expressão génica de MTOR, MURF-1, MAFBX. RBPFEX - Revista Brasileira De Prescrição E Fisiologia Do Exercício, 16(106), 585-594. Obtido de
Artigos Científicos - Original